

je mee

Let him who wants to move the world first move himself.

Start date: to be determined
Costs (excluding 21% VAT): €715,00
Duration: 3 days

Education: Advanced Reformer

Dates: Nov 1st, 2nd & 3rd
Time: Friday: 12:00PM - 7:00PM, Saturday: 11:30PM - 18:30PM, Sunday 11:30AM - 6:30PM
Instructor Trainer: Saulo Overney
Location: K'dans
Course fees: course € 715,00 (excl. 21% BTW), course materials € 95,00 (excl. 6% VAT)
Maximum number of participants: 12

Signing up:

Want to sign up? Fill in the form below. Only for those who have fulfilled the STOTT PILATES Intensive REfromer course.

Make sure you download the file, so you can fill it in digitally.

You will resceive  a confirmation of the reservation of your spot on a first  come, first served base.


You can send it back to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.